Monday, 20 June 2011

Sometimes reality turns into a fairytale

The girlfriend you'll always wish for :)
Her friend sent me the video.
She has a weird way with kids.
Yes, I just had to embarass you.
Micky got the video.
Thanks for everything :D

Best Freestyle Rapping EVER

My brother, Victor Kim :)
Yes, the dancer.
Yes, the one from NigaHiga's best crew video.

He and his friends came down to visit, while Micky was in the hospital.
In the end, we were taking all these stupid videos in the studio.
He only uploaded this one, sadly.

Beware : Do not watch with underaged children. Lots of... 'interesting' words.


The Plea

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Those above you, will one day be below you.

Those below you, will one day be above you.

That’s why you always treat everyone, as those beside you.


Failure is the universe’s way of telling you to either try harder or try something else. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The Doing

Some days it seems like it'll never end. Like there's just too much to do.

The reality of the situation is, you'll never be finished. If you finish all the work you've got to do, you'll find more to do. You can never really reach the end.

So accept that. Be ok with it. Find the peace you're looking for in the now. In this moment.

Right now. Every now.



You need to savour each mouthful. You're not eating to survive. You're eating to live.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

The Could

Why do you do what you do? Is it to impress those around you? Your family? Your friends? Your lover?

Do you do it to make money? To live in a nice house? To buy things that can't be scratched?

Or do you do it because you love it. Because it lets you finish each day with a smile on your face and a thought in your mind.

"Today I did the best I could do. Not because I had to. Because I wanted to."